Promote Device delivers results. We build B2B pipelines.
Promote Device is bringing to market a suite of tools that allows sellers of equipment to better capture the retail market.
Medical and Lab Equipment Buyers turn to the internet when doing pricing research, equipment comparisons and company vetting. Unlike consumer e-commerce, ie Amazon, B2B ecommerce continues to be a very fragmented market and reaching your customers can be complicated. The Promote Device Network aims to streamline the process of listing and selling equipment online.

Control your prices and inventory with ease

Reach Comparison Shoppers

List on with Medical Price Online
MEDVERTISE: Medvertise is the worlds first Medical and Lab Equipment listing software that empowers sellers to list equipment on multiple websites with ease. We have streamlined the process so you simply add once, and the software takes care of the rest, automatically adding it to sites like Ebay, DotMed and Medical Price Online.
MEDVERGUIDE: B2B purchasers typically look for unbiased resources that compare items. Amazon does a good job with this through its related products AI that showcases similar products to shoppers as they browse. Medical and Lab equipment are such specialized devices this doesn’t work the same. Enter:, your resource for comparing companies that sell specific types of devices that match your buying needs. You can review and compare on your own terms, without worrying about the bias of a particular vendor. We are a vendor neutral product and company comparison site servicing the Medical and Lab equipment market.
MEDICAL PRICE: Medical Price Online is the only source in the world that gives companies the ability to control their inventory on Google, without needing a website. Medical Price is a specialized webstore similar to Ebay, however it offers demand building/visibility customizations that equipment sellers require to stay competitive.
Increased visibility online, overtime, creates sales momentum
Googles continued adoption and focus on product based marketing visibility across its search index bodes well for the individual whom hold supply in the market. OEMs and Dealers who sit near inventory have new outlets to pursue online. Pushing products into these outlets increases the chances of businesses to find you. Sustained product marketing momentum can make or break your organization in the long term. See some of the paid results that you might expect to get off the Promote Device advertising network below.

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